On a distant planet in the year 5000 lives the utopian city of Marbletopia! Humans are mysteriously absent as the entire population of Marbletopia is inhabbited by sentient robots and a few aliens. This city has it all flying cars, personal submarines,a mega mall and every building has vibrant gems and crystals on them. But just because it's a utopia doesn't mean there aren't any problems good thing Empty Head and his friends are there to save the city when ever Marbletopia needs them.
Eclipse Gate City is a city shrowded in shadows, there are all manner of cryptids and monsters afoot, including Zombies, The Grim Reaper, and werewolfs to name afew, yikes! Eclipse Gate is the home town of Keith and his sister.
Dynamo District is a distopian city full of smog, the civilians are in the middle of the singuarity everyone's on edge as the robots start to go rogue, luckily the mayor used the citizens funds to build a robot protection team named the Dynamic Defenders. Rocket Head, Light Head, and Keep. Dynamo District's citezens love to sport steam punk attire, and lots of the buildings are dilapidated and torn apart from massive robot battles. In the center if the city is the largest building Powel Tower the central robot charging tower. The Dynamic Defenders hideout is in the dome of City Hall.
Inside of an office supply store is a sheet of paper and in that sheet of paper is the Sketch Castle, it's a midieval castle with a midieval culture, knights, black smiths, and the Sketch King and his loyal servants Milly, Chef Pedro, Vanessa, and Ted the Jester. As long as they hold onto their real office tools they can exit the paper and walk about the 3D and go into any book or art piece. Just a simple drawing the Sketch King drew everything he ever dreamed of and brought it all to life with his collection of colored pencils.
In the outer reaches of cyber space is Planet exe, and on that planet is Metropixia an amusement park modeled by a super hero called thepixelizer. It's a small park with rides and attractions, there's go karts, a coaster, a ferris wheel, laser tag and much more! Stationed in the back of the park is my home the Pixel Mansion. Somewhere hidden on PLanet exe is the covetted link to the internet that my mortal enemy Dr.Delusion wants to find to hypnotize the entire internet to do his bidding.
This is the Checkerboard the last remnant of a the dead planet Ketro the amussement park planet home of the Ketrolan aliens. What more is there to say? It's a checker board in space.
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